Become A Member



We are a charity. Your membership donation helps keep our doors open and assists us in delivering our essential services. Membership for a single person is $15 per year. Membership for a couple is $20 a year.

Our membership cycle runs from the 31st of June to the 31st of June, we will send a reminder to let you know when it's almost time to renew your membership. Existing memberships can be paid online. Our account details are 38-9012-0590627-00 please use your surname as a reference. We also accept cash payments for membership at our office.

To become a member you can use the online membership form below, the paper membership form in our newsletter or pop into our office - for smiley, friendly service.

As an Age Concern  member you will recieve an on-line copy of our bi-monthly Newsletter*, invitations to social gatherings, events, expo's, seminars and outings. As well as access to our core services - Accredited Visiting Service, Shopping Service, Total Mobility, Agewise Road Safety Course and regular trips in our Out and Abouters van.

* If you would like our newsletter in paper form for the year; we respectfully ask for a $5 koha to off-set postal costs 

In addition you will have personal access to a  team of individuals passionate about assisting older individuals in matters of advice, advocacy and support. Most importantly - you will be supporting and organisation that is dedicated to enriching and empowering the lives of older people in the Rotorua Community.

Ehara tǒku toa i te toa takitahi – He toa takitini tǒku toa

My strength is not due to me alone, but due to the strength of many.


Membership Form

Social Activities

We organize activities and events to help those who need healthy social contact. Our volunteers provide a positive and stimulating environment that encourages participation and creates renewed confidence, happiness and lasting relationships with both our volunteers and our elderly.
